Saturday, November 28, 2009

Which of the problems in your life could you gloss over with the excuse ';Goddidit';?

Late for work? Tell your boss ';Godidiit'; (made you late)

Get caught cheating on your wife? Tell the wife: ';Godidit'; (made you lustful, he is the alpha and omega you know, so must be responsible for all things good and bad)

Fogot to pay child support? Goddidit!

Ran a redlight? ';Officer, Goddidit!Which of the problems in your life could you gloss over with the excuse ';Goddidit';?
Refuse homosexuals marriageWhich of the problems in your life could you gloss over with the excuse ';Goddidit';?
Pretty much all of them, going by that premise.
Where are the cretinist answers?
oh here's the lamest one of all

how did the universe get here?

or you could blame it on satan
i don't blame God. He gave me free will and it's up to me how i use that 'free will.'

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